What does the Health & Wellbeing team do?

We run the Health & Wellbeing Survey. This survey is confidential and is independent from all employer groups, professional associations and unions.

In taking the survey you will be able to track your job-related personal health and wellbeing over time. You will automatically receive a report specific to you upon completion each year.

Interesting survey, made me think of my work and life in general. I’m happy I spent the time on doing the survey. Thank you.
Thanks for the opportunity to participate. I think the work you are doing is outstanding.

Who is undertaking the project?

Professor Theresa Dicke

Theresa Dicke is an expert in performance and wellbeing of students, teachers, and school principals. She has published extensively in the area of (disadvantaged) student self-beliefs, and achievement and particularly contributed to research on (early career) teacher burnout. She also investigates principals' wellbeing and most recently started linking all perspectives (students, teachers, principals) in a holistic model of school wellbeing.

Professor Herb Marsh

Herb Marsh has been recognized as the leading (1st of more than 70,000) educational researchers in the world for each of the last two years. Professor Marsh will contribute his extensive expertise in Positive Psychology, statistical modeling, and measurement expertise to this project.

Associate Professor Paul Kidson

Paul Kidson is Senior Lecturer in Educational Leadership at the Australian Catholic University. His diverse educational career includes teaching English and Drama both in low socio-economic multicultural schools in Sydney’s western suburbs and socio-educationally advantaged inner metropolitan schools, curriculum leadership in regional NSW and Victorian schools, 11 years’ as a school principal, and as an Educational Leadership academic.  His teaching and research explores how school leaders work within, and critically transform, their complex professional lives. This encompasses broader systems and policies that govern their work and school communities, as well as how they care for and sustain themselves in their role.