2024 Survey Online Media Articles Study reveals alarming spike in critical incidents at Australia’s schools | The Educator K/12 AUDIO: Graeme Goodings speaks with Assoc Prof Theresa Dicke from Australian Catholic University on serious school incidents taking toll on principals. Principals report increase in critical incidents at schools including assaults and violent threats 2023 Survey Online Media Articles School principals faced with machetes, spears and knives as report reveals soaring classroom violence One in two principals plan to quit, survey finds Despite escalating violence and mental health pressures, principals remain resilient: ACU survey Australia is sleepwalking into a crippling exodus of school principals Principals Near Breaking Point Due to Heavy Workloads Another year, another damning report on principal health and wellbeing: What is to be done? Australia: Violence Escalates And Mental Health Suffers But Principals Remain Resilient, ACU Report 2023 Survey Print Media Articles ‘I have been ground down’: about 50% of Australian principals and other school leaders are thinking of quitting 2023 Survey Broadcast Media 2022 Survey Number of principals planning to quit or retire triples since 2019 – report ‘Breaking point’: Principal’s wellbeing at an all-time low Half of school principals ‘at risk’ of serious mental health issues Australian School Principals' Health, Wellbeing at Risk: ACU Study School principals reveal real reason they’re quitting Canberra school principals experience highest rate of violence and abuse in Australia, survey finds School principals are reaching crisis point, pushed to the edge by mounting workloads, teacher shortages and abuse School principals are reaching crisis point, pushed to the edge by mounting workloads, teacher shortages and abuse 2021 Survey Surprising job where HALF of high-powered professionals are threatened with violence - and why it's only going to get worse How teachers and principals can bounce back from burnout ‘The straw that broke the camel’s back’: School principals opt for retirement as burnout bites AUDIO: New survey finds high record of principals experiencing burnout School principals facing record levels of stress and burnout: survey Infographic: Principal health and wellbeing 2020 Survey Aggressive, violent parents to be banned from schools in Victoria Australian school principals at risk from violence, burnout, stress and self-harm, wellbeing survey finds School principals suffered immense stress and heavy workload in 2020 Australian Principal Occupational, Health, Safety and Wellbeing Survey 2020 A snapshot of school leaders’ health and wellbeing in a ‘horror’ year Global pandemic heaps more stress on stretched principals School principals subjected to violence How is principal health and wellbeing tracking in 2021? 2019 Survey Queensland high school principals stressed and depressed, academic survey finds How parents are making principals’ lives hell Principal health and wellbeing report 2019 released Australian school principals under strain, over 40% assaulted in 2019 Queensland's school principals the most burnt out in the nation 'No relenting' on violence towards principals at NSW schools Riley Report finds half of Tasmania principals have been threatened by parents 40% of Australian principals are victims of physical violence