Impact on Policy and Procedures

  • Health Support

    Teachers Health Fund implemented policy changes in 2014 to provide more tailored supports to principals (e.g. reduced waiting periods, telepsychology for remote areas).

  • State Initiatives

    Several state and territory governments have directly addressed and reacted to results published by principal reports.

  • Wellbeing

    Victoria lowest level of serious mental health concern of any state or territory in response to the survey (2017), and Victorian school leaders continuously report the highest job satisfaction.

  • Safety Policy

    Victoria: School Community Safety Orders which empower authorised persons such as school leaders to ban violent parents from school grounds.

    Queensland: Sentencing Advisory Council inquiry document; "Hostile People on School Premises, Willful Disturbance, and Trespass Procedure" in 2022.

  • Politics

    Better support for school principals became Green Party policy.

Impact on Government Priorities

  • Education Ministers Metting Agenda

    Based on our collaboration with the Australian Secondary Principal Association (ASPA), we delivered a keynote presentation and participated in the panel discussion at the 2024 ASPA summit. Attendees included federal Education Minister Hon Jason Clare, state and territory ministers, and peak bodies.

    Following the presentation, we worked with ASPA to present on Principal Wellbeing at the Education Ministers Meeting in April 2024. As a result, Principal Wellbeing has been prioritised on the Education Ministers Meeting agenda, with ministers asking for further support strategies for principals.